

Logistics for the Day



Campus Map

Parking at BCCS

Parking is available in the lots behind and in front of the JLI. If these lots are full there is also street parking available on Remick Ave. 

Do not park at the Japanese American Community Center (JCC) unless instructed to by a YPICS administrator. 

Adult REstrooms

Since there will be no students on campus you may also use the student bathrooms located next to room 10 and 11.




1. Teachers: Identify and bring a lesson plan that makes use of at least one of the core SFA strategies (Summarizing, Questioning, Clarifying, Predicting, and Writing Across the Curriculum). Please fill out the Google Form below with your lesson link and bring 5 printed copies of your lesson plan. Be prepared to share your session for 10 mins with a small group. There will be sessions throughout the day where all teachers will have an opportunity to share their best practices with colleagues. 

2. Sign up for YPICS Game On! and start earning your Pre-PD points! Points can be redeemed in the Alludo store for stickers, buttons, and jeans day! 

3. Nominate a colleague for the 8 Keys of Excellence Award by Saturday 3/2. 

YPICS Game On!


YPICS Game On! is a gamified professional development system ran through Alludo. The game is designed to provide a fun activity where you can earn rewards for completing several tasks throughout the day. 

As an individual earns points in Game On! they can spend them in the Alludo store on various prizes. Below are the prizes that will be available for this Monday. 

Click here for a tutorial on how to use the Alludo store.

Any school that earns 5000+ points will earn a Jeans Week for their staff during the week of 3/11-3/15*

The top scoring school will go first in the closing raffle.

*Jeans must be school appropriate and not have any rips or tears

Schedule for the Day


3/4 TPD Schedule

Breakout Session descriptions & resources


We want your feedback!
