All YPICS Staff are expected to attend this training.
The training will take place in the multipurpose room of the "Annex" building at the Fenton Academies. This building is North of the main Fenton Academies building. It is the adjacent building across from the Hands-On Lab. We will have signs guiding you to the Annex.
We encourage you to please carpool if possible. To access the parking lot, make a right into the alleyway from Penrose Street. Upon entering the alleyway, make an immediate right into the parking structure. Feel free to park in any space on the first or rooftop level. Once you have parked, take the steps to the ground floor and follow the signs to the Annex building. Please be mindful and park carefully within the stall. Do not overtake the stall lines since doing so means one less person can park in the structure. Once the lot is full, employees will be encouraged to park on the street. Use caution when crossing the alley.
Bring your school-issued laptop/iPad charged and ready for the day.
A light continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.
ED Address
Quotes Introduction Activity
Setting Agreements Activity, using Newest Agreements Examples
Compass Points Activity
Zones of Comfort, Risk and Danger
Feedback Nightmares Activity
Practice creating Probing Questions
Dilemma Consultancy Protocol